Understanding Weapons Offences in Canada and How to Handle Charges

Rules of Courtroom Etiquette You Should Be Aware of

The courtroom is a formal place guided by strict rules and demands a respectful, sensitive and serious attitude from attendees. From plaintiffs and defendants to witnesses and lawyers, everybody has defined roles, responsibilities and rules. A behavi […]

The Gun Control Debate: What It Is All About

There was a time when mass shootings did not seem to happen in Canada. However, recent data tells a different story. ‘Year of the Gun’, a documentary broadcast this past March on CBC Docs POV, drew our attention to the alarming rise of gun violence i […]

Law Practice Tip

Harpreet’s Practice Tips: The Courtesy Call

There are times when junior counsel will ask me my advice on what to do when they receive a call from a potential client who is already represented by another lawyer. The answer is not as simple as it may appear at first blush. There are competing in […]

Drug Charges in Ontario: What You Need to Know

Controlled substances are illegal in all Canadian provinces, including Ontario. If you are found trafficking or in possession of illegal drugs such as heroin, amphetamines and cocaine, knowingly or unknowingly, you can be charged with a drug offence. […]