Common Causes of Mississauga Car Accidents: Impaired Driving and Beyond

Jan 7

Ontario is Canada’s most populous province, which means there are many serious traffic accidents here every year. That number of accidents continues to rise, with accidents involving a wide range of negligent driving behaviours that result in a wide range of injuries and deaths. Experiencing a significant or unexpected road injury can profoundly affect you and your loved ones. But they can be (mostly) avoided if you know what leads up to them.

In this post, a leading impaired driving lawyer serving Mississauga residents explores the most common causes of car accidents in Ontario. You will also find tips on how to make our roads safer and ensure you don’t become one of these statistics.

Let’s get started.

Causes of Car Accidents in Mississauga Beyond Impaired Driving

impaired driving Mississauga

While impaired driving is a common cause of car accidents in Mississauga and Ontario at large, but it’s not the only one. Here, we explore some of the most common reasons why Ontario drivers get into road accidents.

1. Drug-Impaired Driving

While cannabis may be legal in Canada, its consumption still poses a risk to public safety on the roads when drivers choose to drive high. The drug acts as both a depressant and a stimulant, so it can impair an individual’s ability to react quickly while driving. For instance, an impaired driver may be slow to brake at traffic lights or a stop sign. They may also make errors when reversing or turning.

Cannabis can also have hallucinogenic effects, leading to visual impairment and distortions in their perception of time. That’s why leading impaired driving lawyers in Mississauga suggest taking alternative transportation or arranging for a safe ride home when consuming cannabis-related products.

2. Alcohol-Impaired Driving

Another major reason for impaired driving offences is alcohol-impaired driving. This is one of the most dangerous situations in which any driver can put themselves, other drivers and pedestrians at risk. Even one drink can impair your ability to think, slow your alertness, and result in reckless behaviour.

Moreover, if a police officer suspects that you are drunk driving, they will stop you and test you using a breathalyzer. If your blood alcohol count (BAC) exceeds the legal threshold, you can be charged with driving under the influence of alcohol.

Also, even if you are below the legal threshold for BAC, you can still be charged with impaired if the police have reasonable and probable grounds to believe that your ability to drive is impaired by alcohol or a drug.

3. Distracted Driving

Another common cause of fatalities in Ontario is distracted driving. The most prevalent kind is using a smartphone while behind the wheel. Some other causes of distracted driving include configuring a navigation system, scrolling through Google Maps, eating, drinking, and grooming. Unfortunately, too many Ontario drivers believe they can drive while doing other tasks. They cannot.

4. Speeding

Speeding is another significant cause of car accidents across Ontario. While drivers may think they may save a few minutes of travel time, speeding increases their chances of a motor vehicle accident and endangers other drivers. Speeding also significantly reduces the driver’s ability to steer around objects safely and makes stopping difficult. Our impaired driving lawyer in Mississauga wants all drivers to recognize the risks associated with speeding so they remain safe.

Other Leading Causes of Motor Vehicle Accidents:

Some other reasons for car accidents in Ontario are:

  • Tailgating
  • Illegal or unsafe lane changes
  • Road rage
  • Animal encounters
  • Potholes
  • Drowsy driving
  • Side effects of medication
  • Distracted driving

Driving responsibly and avoiding behaviours like impaired driving, distracted driving, speeding, and poor vehicle maintenance is crucial to road safety in Ontario. Impaired driving, whether due to alcohol or drugs like cannabis, significantly impairs your ability to operate a vehicle safely in Mississauga as well as elsewhere. Actions like tailgating, making illegal lane changes, road rage, failing to watch for animals crossing the road, or driving over potholes can lead to serious accidents. Drowsy driving, the effects of certain prescription medications, and multitasking behind the wheel are also major contributing factors. By being vigilant, following traffic rules, and maintaining your vehicle properly, we can make Ontario’s roads safer for everyone. Contact us if you’ve been charged with impaired driving.